Coincidence?? I Think Not.
I'm starting to believe The Ex and I share brainwaves. True story. My last post consisted solely about how we hadn't had contact in two months, and how horribly I missed him. Two days later, he called me, under the pretense of wishing me a Happy Birthday, and my entire life flipped upside down the second I saw his number on my phone. The second I heard his familiar "hey", my heart crashed against my chest like a tidal wave...and all those little holes in me closed up like magic. It was literally exactly what I needed, and just the fact that he picked up on it is enough to make me a little teary. You never realize how much someone means to you until you know how much it hurts when they're gone. I couldn't help but break my own rules and say hello in person, and I'm glad I did. It was nice to see him, and even better to get that hug I've been craving so just isn't the same coming from anyone else. I don't know if I'll ...