La La La!!!

I haven't posted much about The Ex in a while, so let me wax philosophical on him for a spell.
Before I go into it, I just want to reiterate that I have been doing just fine with the 'being over him' stuff.  Sure, there are still lingering feelings, and most likely always will be.  I would be remiss if I ever said there wasn't after spending half a decade with the guy.  I'm doing ok, and realize it was just never meant to happen for various reasons :::coughhe'sawhorecough::  Of course, it doesn't stop him from telling me how much he still loves me and wishes we never broke up...and then in the next breath, ask if I would like to see an ultrasound image of "the baby".
The, cootchie coo, what a proud daddy he is.  And if you didn't notice the sarcasm dripping off of that statement, I'll explain it to you.
I can't help but still be stung on this whole baby thing.  The idea is wedged so far under my skin that I'm starting to smell like foul Gerber.  He had the nerve to ask me if I was happy for him, and then be oh so shocked when I bluntly told him no.  I'd really much rather go through life pretending there is no baby.  It's easier for me to just wear blinders and forget it's happening then to have it shoved in my face.  I don't want to hear about his fucking pregnant girlfriend and their fucking doctor appointments anymore than he wants to hear about my sex life with SP.  Does that make me insensitive?  Because if it does, I don't give a flying monkey fuck.
Look, I realize I actually dodged a bullet by not ending up as his babymama; I know this, and I'm somewhat ok with it.  But given the circumstances, I can't help but be bitter about the whole idea that this bitch gets the very thing that I had to give away, and it pisses me off that he's so fucking happy about the whole thing.
If he's proud, cool, good for him.  Shout it from the rooftops, just make sure I'm out of earshot.

Or at least be compassionate enough to provide me with some earplugs so I don't get stuck hearing that shit.


  1. and hopefully you have said all of this directly to him. If not that it's only by your own hand he continues to do so. smooches babe! oh, and where do you get all your layout designs? I <3 them so!

  2. Oh I've definitely been very blunt, he just forgets cuz he's a dummy. Either that or he believes that everyone is as excited as he is-WRONG.
    This layout is one of theirs, its a default. They actually have a pretty good selection. I was gonna ask you the same thing about yours!

  3. I think it's one of theirs too. I just played with the fonts and colors. The picture in the background is a big bridge. kinda fitting huh. Building bridges in life and setting some a flame. dance in the fire!!!

  4. U know it doesn't make you insensitive Boo.

    What it makes you is human.

    Sometimes even after we've walked away that green monster comes out. Like Misia said, all u can be is honest or its just as much your fault.

    Whether he's smart or sensitive enough to figure out WHY you don't care is on him.


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