Munchhausen Much?

  First things first:  When you have a big secret festering  in you and you feel the need to share it with someone in particular, think about it before you blurt it out.  Make sure that what you tell them will remain between the two of you if that's what you are hoping for, and make sure your confidant is a trustworthy one.  These are things that I didn't think I needed to take into consideration when I decided to tell my mother what my father did to me.  Can you say "Huge Regret"?
  It took me 20 long years and a lot of therapy and soul searching to work up the sack to finally confess the biggest secret I've ever had.  It felt good to have it out in the open...for about 60 seconds.  That's how long it took my mother, the "confidant", to get her chismosa ass on the phone and start spreading the news like she was Frank Fucking Sinatra.  The excuses ranged from dumb to shitty, and everytime she did it, I called her on it and asked her to stop.  And everytime she would give me a lame excuse and a backwards apology, and turn right around and do it again to the next person she talked to.  Never ONCE did she admit she was wrong for any of it. She did it again today.  She was on the phone with an old acquaintance of hers that she hasn't spoken to in more than a fucking decade.  How the subject came up I have no idea, but I heard her with my own ears, whispering to the friend what happened, in detail.  Needless to say, I completely blew up, and true to form, she became defensive and went to her go-to threat of kicking me out.  This leads me to a theory I never thought of before:
She uses my unfortunate events to gain attention and sympathy for herself.  No matter what it is, she has to flip shit and put the spotlight on herself, even if its at the expense of her own child.

From Wikipedia: 
Victim-Playing Manipulator: 
Manipulators often play the victim role ("poor me") by portraying themselves as victims of circumstances or someone else's behavior in order to gain pity or sympathy or to evoke compassion and thereby get something from another. Caring and conscientious people cannot stand to see anyone suffering, and the manipulator often finds it easy and rewarding to play on sympathy to get cooperation.[1]
This should be accompanied by her picture, because she is a classic textbook example of what is written above.  I've tried everything to get her to stop; asking, yelling, cursing, cutting off contact.  Nothing works-she never believes what she's doing is fucked up.  She's using my horrible experiences for conversation pieces, and tells me that she'll say whatever she wants, to whomever she wants, whenever she wants.  But then has the nerve to tell me in the next breath that she "cares about her daughter" and "is just so angry and needs to share how SHE feels" and how I "don't understand" 
I'm sorry, but was I NOT there every time he stuck his hands where they didn't belong?  I don't understand.  Right.
I also get to hear about how I "didn't give HER the satisfaction of having him put away."  When the fuck did this become about her in the first fucking place???  Is there anything that she won't put herself in the middle of?

  Just writing this gets my blood percolating, so much that I'm shaking.  The anger is nearly causing me to fucking black out.  The obvious lesson learned is to keep my damn mouth shut and tell her nothing ever again, because she can't be fucking trusted to, oh I don't know, be SUPPORTIVE or anything.  She'll just take what I give her and use it for her next conversation.


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