Coincidence?? I Think Not.
I'm starting to believe The Ex and I share brainwaves. True story.
My last post consisted solely about how we hadn't had contact in two months, and how horribly I missed him.
Two days later, he called me, under the pretense of wishing me a Happy Birthday, and my entire life flipped upside down the second I saw his number on my phone. The second I heard his familiar "hey", my heart crashed against my chest like a tidal wave...and all those little holes in me closed up like magic. It was literally exactly what I needed, and just the fact that he picked up on it is enough to make me a little teary. You never realize how much someone means to you until you know how much it hurts when they're gone. I couldn't help but break my own rules and say hello in person, and I'm glad I did. It was nice to see him, and even better to get that hug I've been craving so just isn't the same coming from anyone else.
I don't know if I'll continue the contact..I still have the rest of his life to worry about, and you all know how I feel about having to witness that. I DO know that I was over the moon getting to see him, smell him, bury my head in his chest for those few brief moments; I needed it, like oxygen. Two months felt like forever. I'm not really sure where I'm gonna go from here...I think I'll just wait and see how long this visit will sustain me-Maybe I just needed one last hurrah.
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