"Dysfunctional" Is Putting It Nicely

Whatever relations I had with the family I had left are now shot to hell.  I am now a family of three.
  If you know me or are a regular reader, you know that my relationship with the woman who gave birth to me has been contentious at best.  There is too much resentment for us to ever have what's considered a "normal" relationship, and let's not forget that she's a certified lunatic.  We've gone 12 rounds before, separated, and swept it under the rug, adding to the pile that was already there.  Well, the pile has officially runneth over, and there is no more room under that rug.
After another scuffle with that woman over nothing but the fact that she's crazy, (this one including my adult brother punching me in the face, adding insult to injury) I am officially done.  My mind is tripping out at the thought of being related to these animals, and I have run out of patience and compassion for the lot of them.
The ties are cut for the last time, and the ends are way too frayed to ever attempt to piece them back together again.  Genetics be damned, a poisonous relationship is a poisonous relationship, end of story.
  The biggest kick in the ass to all of this?  Going through these issues with them makes me miss the HELL out of The Ex.  He is the only one besides me that knows how fucked up they all are because he's been a witness to it on multiple levels, and the only one that could have given me the comfort I was seeking last night.  But I didn't break, I didn't call him, as much as I wanted to.  I know that would have just complicated things further, and the last thing I need right now is more drama.  I called a good friend whom I love dearly, she let me vent, and let me crash.  I felt better this morning, marginally.
  There's really nothing more I can say other than I'm completely finished.  I want no more to do with these people.  I'm not benefiting whatsoever from knowing them, and they're doing nothing but trying to drag me under. I'm convinced that my mother is trying to sabotage me and my efforts to improve my life because she couldn't do the same for herself.  Misery loves company. I think that she resents the fact that I'm doing everything I can to not end up like her (I'll be DAMNED if I did-shoot me first), and she sees that I might actually succeed, which, in turn, makes her feel worse about herself. GOOD.  She can be the fuck up, not me.
My bitch ass brother will always be hanging on like a hemorrhoid and will never amount to more that what he already is.  It's harsh, but it's true.  They deserve each other. Peace out, assholes.


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