::BOOM Goes The Dynamite::

  You know that phrase 'Short Fuse'?  It has a cousin called 'Breathe On Me Wrong And I Blow To Smithereens'.  If you look it up, you'll find a picture of me, with a big crooked smile and a deranged look in my eye.  Am I a lunatic?  Yep, probably. Shit knows these days I sure feel like one.  That song by Limp Bizkit, ya know, "Break Stuff"? It  has been playing on a constant loop in my head like a broken record for the last two weeks.  I can't put my talon on what, exactly, the problem is, I just know that I feel like I'm gonna blow, like ALL. THE. TIME.  And if you're dumb enough to be in my crosshairs while I'm raging, you best throw on your riot gear cuz I'll probably run you over just for being in my way.
 I'll take a deep breath and put on my psychotherapist hat for a second, and assume that a combo of stress and PMS are probably to blame for this episode.  A lot has fallen into my lap lately and I haven't had much chance to breathe or think or feel normal.  School is kicking my ass, I seem to be sweating out money because my bank account is ALWAYS empty, I'm tired of missing my son, Christmas is almost here and my bank account is in the red and I have NO gifts for my kids, being in this house is irritating the shit out of me and is made worse by the fact that I'm broke and have no way out, I have headaches all the time and now the threat of  another health issue is hanging over my head.  I literally want to scream and drive my piece of shit car off a cliff. (Oh that's another one- I spent a month's worth of cash on a POS car that I never saw or drove until I already paid for it and dropped my beloved Cavi at the graveyard to be slaughtered, because I made the dumb mistake of trusting my "parents".  FUCK!!!!)
These are, of course, the main issues.  The other annoyances are just that, and if I wasn't already pissed all the time, they most likely wouldn't bother me at all, but I am and they do.  I'll spare you from having to read about them for now.  The bottom line is, something has to give before I go all Travis Bickle in this bitch.  If things keep going this way, I'm just gonna lose it and end up in an ugly blue suit with a cellie named KiKi who steals my soap. I've tried everything to bring myself down--zoning out, meditation, narcotics, ignoring it, all of the above at once--but it's still there.  I'm literally driving myself bonkers and need some kind of release before the white coats put me away.

...don't suggest sex as a release tho, cuz I gots no bats up in this belfry. ;)


  1. hmm.....? Have you thought about just saying "fuck it" and just stopped thinking about all that crap at once? You really only can "do" one thing at a time, everything else should have to wait. Maybe you should start painting. That helped get my anger out. I suggest lots of red and black. Or.....dancing or moshing!!! What else? Running through the neighborhood screaming always is a good option. Kickboxing!!!! Download a video and start fighting the air. You can go all Rocky on a giant piece of frozen meat. What else...thinky thinky......look for a job in demolition!!! Part time. 1) you make money 2) you get to break stuff 3) you get to break stuff!!!!!

    ok, i'll think of more later. <3 u

  2. Did you say break stuff??? Where do I sign????


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