Everybody Needs A Little Time Away

I may as well come right out with it.  I've decided to take a break for a while.  No blogs, no FB updates, nada.  I have a jumbly jungle of thoughts and emotions swimming around inside me now and I need some time to sort them all out.  In short, I'm kind of a basket case right now.  Between what's happening/not happening with SP, and new details I learned about my ex, on top of being cooped up in my bed for 5 days now and only having time to think, my head and soul are a complete disaster area, and my brain just can't keep up.  I'm sort of on overload, and if another shoe drops, I'm afraid to know what will happen.
I'm gonna spend some time focusing on myself, and try to remember who I am, and that I am worthy of good things.  Maybe once I believe that, they'll finally come.


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