Post #60

That clever title up there is as witty as I'm gonna get tonight-I'm so completely wrecked that I think my creativity bone is out of order for a while.  Your girl needs to catch up on sleep before I lose it completely.

I just wanted to post real quickly tonight.
I felt good today.  Better than I have in a while.  Things seem to be falling into place, slowly but surely.  The latest mess with the Ex was cleaned up somewhat; at the very least, I don't feel like hitting him with my car anymore.  A big stick, maybe, but I'll spare him the vehicular assault.  (I know he's reading this now too--Go ahead and laugh Zilla, that's funny and you know it.)
I've been getting a little exercise in every night with a few laps around the neighborhood.  I'm glad that the weather has been cooperative, it makes it more enjoyable.  I'm doing my best to stay away from things that taste good and stick with vegetables and cardboard--ok, ok, I caved and ate some chicken nuggets today, but it's still protein, right??  RIGHT????
I'm on a job safari during the day, and have been looking into school a bit.  I'm determined to stick to that mental well being depends on it lol..
Things are also progressing nicely with Mr. Military. I got another email from him today, and I think a cute little crush may be developing.  He makes me smile, and it feels nice.  I almost forgot what it was like. He compliments me a lot, and sometimes I have no idea how to respond.  I'm still bugging out at the fact that he looks the way he does, but is attracted to me because I have a fuller figure. I'm still wrapping my head around that idea. It's tripping me out....hehe...
I'm about to slide my fuller figure between my sheets now and catch up on my beauty sleep.  If you don't hear from me in 24 hours...I'm probably still finishing up.


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