Maybe I'm Hormonal??

My mood swings are off the charts crazy lately.  I can state for the record that I'm not exactly sad or distressed anymore, at least not today, but the apathy is sticking around like an unwelcome house guest. ("Go HOME!")
I have the desire to get up and go, but not the motivation. It kinda feels like there's another Me inside of me, struggling to get out, but can't find the opening.
Wow, I just had a vision of Alien flash thru my head. Creepy. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
I have alot on my plate, and even more swimming in circles in my head.  I'm trying to keep everything straight and keep myself from requiring a padded cell, but some days are harder than others.  I've had to deal with more bullshit in the last 12 months than anyone should in a lifetime, and that, plus everything else before it, is bound to leave marks.  I'm doing everything I can to not let it all beat me.  It's not easy.



    Please remember that you are human and can only really do ONE thing at a time. When in doubt, make a to-do list. Separate your life from the bad and only keep the good, the pure 100% good. Everything or anyone else that is not adding value to your life needs to be disposed of. I don't want you to become the hoarder of emotional baggage. Just like we need to exhale CO2 out of lungs, its time to purge icky out of our lives. Love you! and yes, I will hide the evidence.


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