I carry a thought around in my head all the time that I never wanted to share here, for various reasons. Tonight, I stopped giving a fuck about those reasons and I'm all about full disclosure, say what you will to me about it. I always thought in the back of my mind that the Ex and I would somehow run full circle, and end up together in the end. I believed that's where we belonged, problems be damned. I don't know why I feel this way, but I do. I figured we would take our time, explore other options, maybe fall in love elesewhere, whatever, but in the end, circle back to home and start fresh. He was always mine, and I was always his. There's a poem by Maya Angelou called In and Out of Time that sums us up perfectly. I carried that around in my head, idealistic, believing what I dreamed is what would be, eventually. I was content in waiting for that. Today I was hit by a reality check that knocked the wind out of me and I couldn't breathe. Ex is go...