Um, well....AAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! Ok, I feel better.

OK, so a few months ago, things sucked with a capital SUCK. I know that, and I boohooed all over this website and cried myself a fucking river and crossed it in my little canoe-I get it, and I'm good with having that in my past and knowing I left it there.  I'm also aware that I vowed to never post another depressing 'woe-is-me' paragraph, and I am not about to break that promise now, but I never said I wasn't gonna vent, because if I don't, I'll be blogging via pen and yellow legal pad from Rikers where I'm doing a bit for great bodily injury or manslaughter or some other such fucking horrible crime and I don't even live in New York but it will be bad enough to send me there-ANYWAY!!!!
 Granted, I am not in such a horrible place now, and I consider myself lucky that I'm safe and I know it could be alot worse, but I have to be real:  I'm living in a house with Pops and his two roommates, Drunk and Drunker.  I am literally hanging onto my manners and fucking sanity by my fingertips at this point.  While I appreciate the hospitality, I cannot STAND being driven to the point of insanity by the blathering bullshit I have to put up with when these idiots are home and I'm stuck here.  I have no peace or quiet unless I lock myself in the bedroom and pretend to be dead.  Even in the 13 minutes I have been attempting to write this sentence, wearing headphones and a hood, I have been interrupted 4 times for inane shit..("Look at the pudding I got!"  "Do you like turtles?") Wait, let's make that 5. Over nothing.  What does a girl have to do to get a half hour of silence around here?  I don't care WTF you're saying, just don't say it to me when I'm obviously trying to ignore you!!  How much clearer do I need to make it when I say quite clearly "I am not feeling social, I would enjoy some solitary time, watch me as I insert my ear buds and crank up 30 Seconds To Mars and draw my hood over my face!"???????
Someone call the warden and tell him I'm about to bust out the pillow case and shank.


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