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Well, kinda...
Dear Abby decided to answer my plea for advice...even tho I completely forgot I asked for it.

Daughter Must Zip Her Lips With Mother Who Opens Hers

DEAR ABBY: When I was an adolescent, my father molested me. It took me 20 years to finally confide this secret to my mother. Afterward it felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
That feeling lasted about two minutes. That's how long it took for her to get on the phone and spread the news to everyone she could think of.
This was two years ago and, after repeatedly asking her to stop, she continues to tell. Two days ago, I caught her spilling the beans to an acquaintance she hadn't spoken to in more than a decade. We got into a heated argument, and she told me she will say what she wants, whenever she wants, to whomever she wants.
My feelings are not considered, even though I was the victim in all of this. I feel she tells my story to gain sympathy for herself.
Abby, I'm ready to end my relationship with my mother. How can I make her stop flapping her lips? -- THE GOSSIP'S DAUGHTER
DEAR DAUGHTER: I suspect you are correct about your mother's motives, and you have my sympathy. Because you can't "make her stop flapping her lips," you will have to accept that she can't be trusted with any confidential information.
As I see it, you have two choices. The first would be to cut her out of your life (for which I wouldn't blame you), and the other is to avoid sharing any personal information with her in the future.

Holy Fuckin' Shit.
I will say this: the outpouring of support I got from the readers was overwhelming and comforting...more than I got from Moms.


  1. looking forward to catching us "your royal readers" up on all epiphanies learned during your vacation. Bring on the bloggy blogs!!!!


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