Flesh Of My Flesh

One of the things I question the most in life is how a person can neglect their own children.  I personally can't fathom the idea of knowing my flesh and blood is running around the planet and having little or nothing to do with them. It makes no sense. This is especially agonizing when you have to witness this happening to your own child, and nothing you say or do changes the fact that the BabyDaddy is a self serving douchebag.
  The worst thing in my world is seeing one of my kids unhappy and not being able to fix it for them.  That's a mom's job, to fix the broken things.  What do you do when the broken thing is the dad, and all you want to do is break him more because he's hurting your baby?  I've always been a Momma Grizzly, but this...this takes it to a whole new level.
BabyDaddy, as I've told you, is soon to be divorced.  For the last 7 months, however, Mr. "I don't cheat" has been getting it on with an old friend of his...a very MARRIED old friend of his who also happens to be a loud, obnoxious, trashy ex-stripper. Unfortunately now, 'BD The Garbage Man' is only interested in spending his free time with her and has no time for his son, even though he lives only 4 blocks away and literally passes my house on his way to his PT evening job.  If this was a new thing for him, I may be able to overlook it, but unfortunately this is his pattern.  BD is only interested in the happiness and well being of himself, even if that means completely ditching his son and taking off to North Carolina for an extended weekend with The Stripper and her kids.
Oh, did I mention she has kids?
Yeah, two daughters, who BD spends more time with than his own "beloved" son.  Consider my hide thoroughly chapped over that little tidbit.  And while I'm on the subject, this is what I can't understand: as a parent herself, wouldn't you think that she would encourage her little boytoy to carve out some quality father/son time?  Nope, not that steaming pile of hot garbage.  Instead, she does things like show up to my son's birthday party uninvited and take the attention that BD should have been devoting to his son just to sit with him in her car. In my driveway. For an HOUR.  Go make your money on another corner, bitch.
  As much as she irritates me, all of my anger is focused on my ex and what he's doing to (and not doing for) my son.  He has no excuses that are anything close to justifiable.  BD's first priority is himself-evidently he forgot that you gotta give that shit up as soon as the baby pops out.  Everyone in his inner circle has been preaching to the same choir as me, and we've all struck out because he's a hard headed, self centered jackass. The difference is is that I'm the one who has to figure out an answer when he asks why his dad never wants to hang out with him, and I'm the one who's left to pick up the pieces of my baby's broken heart when the only answer I have for him is the one that's the truth.  No mother should ever have to see that pain on her child's face.  Ever.


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