Peaceful, Easy Feeling
: contented sigh : I'm seeing a pattern. Last night was another lovely night with Flaco. We lounged in my bed, all comfy cozy like, watching The Notebook (HIS request~ whaaa?!) and talking about life, love, and parenthood. My yummy smelling rose candle flickered softly on the dresser, and my iPod shuffled thru the most perfect tunes, somehow finding the ones that fit the mood just right. Our conversation flowed seamlessly and naturally, as did his fingers as he absentmindedly stroked my hair. With all this in mind, it sounds very anti climactic to refer to it as "nice", but that's exactly what it was. Nice...easy....peaceful. And I felt more content than I have in a very long time. I'm noticing how comfortable I'm becoming, spending time with Flaco. Being with him doesn't stir up any romance novel-style feelings in me; I don't find myself doodling his name on my folders or picturing some amazing future with him, but I am enjoying our time together...