Um, well....AAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! Ok, I feel better.
OK, so a few months ago, things sucked with a capital SUCK. I know that, and I boohooed all over this website and cried myself a fucking river and crossed it in my little canoe-I get it, and I'm good with having that in my past and knowing I left it there. I'm also aware that I vowed to never post another depressing 'woe-is-me' paragraph, and I am not about to break that promise now, but I never said I wasn't gonna vent, because if I don't, I'll be blogging via pen and yellow legal pad from Rikers where I'm doing a bit for great bodily injury or manslaughter or some other such fucking horrible crime and I don't even live in New York but it will be bad enough to send me there-ANYWAY!!!! Granted, I am not in such a horrible place now, and I consider myself lucky that I'm safe and I know it could be alot worse, but I have to be real: I'm living in a house with Pops and his two roommates, Drunk and Drunker. I am literally hanging onto my man...