Almost Doesn't Count
I have a love/hate relationship with my own introspection.
I love how I can be so attuned to myself and the inner workings of my own mind (thanks, years of meditation). I kinda like how sometimes I over analyze things and manage to learn something about myself each time. But I hate how that lesson is generally something negative.
I'm realizing that my life has been a series of 'almosts'.
- Almost raised within a close knit, well-to-do family...except my father was the blackest of sheep and ostracized for being stupid, and his children were black by extension.
- Almost went to college and made something of myself...and then had a kid and watched those dreams go up in smoke.
- Almost got married...although I suppose that was a well dodged bullet.
- Almost got that bad ass, major growth potential job that would have fixed me up for life...except old mistakes came back to haunt me, kicking me right the fuck off that ladder.
- Almost found love a few times...and we all know how those turned out.
I feel like I've lived life on the wrong side of the glass, with everything I've wanted or needed in my sights, but just out of reach. I'm watching everyone pass through, but for whatever reason, I can't, so I wander around outside the bubble like a clueless moron, trying and hoping to find a way in.
Sometimes it feels like I'm so close...
but still can't find the door handle.
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