Well, well, well..Look who's back like the prodigal?
It's been 4 months since my last post. Four months of deep breathing, soul searching, and scrubbing off the scum of 2013..and if I'm being real, the last 34 years of my life. I decided it was finally time to start fresh, shake off the funk, and start piecing myself pack together a little bit at a time, and my journey begins right here.
My time away gave me the opportunity to reevaluate some of my priorities. I'm still very much single, and I'm mostly okay with that. As a matter of fact, none of my old flames have been around at all; all part of my Clean Sweep Program. I've eschewed all of my former FWBs, choosing to go hermit instead of hussy, and they all pretty much disappeared soon enough. There are one or two that are still persistent, but I'm good at ignoring text messages and pretending to be dead. My head just isn't into it, and neither are my genitals. I'm waiting for the real deal to find me. I'm very Zen about the whole thing really...
I have become a Legal Battling warrior during my blog-sabbatical. I'm fighting back against another DWS charge, and am well on my way to becoming a legal driver again so I can STOP THE MADNESS!! I just want to be a normal person and a normal mom who can do normal things and isn't scared of the big bad policeman and his pretty red and blue lights in my rearview. I'm fighting for that, and I'm gonna win. I should have a fucking cape for this. More to come.
2014 will also be the year that I cut myself in half!! Wait...rewind...let's rephrase.
I've said it and said it and said it, but now I'm gonna do something about it. No more of all this extra goodness for me. I've decided to drop some serious lbs because it's just time to. Life is short, man, and I'm not living it like I should be when I have too much "me" to carry around. In 18 months I plan to be at least 75 pounds lighter. I'm joining a gym next week. I will be that annoying 'gym mirror,earbuds and hoodie' selfie taking, #noexcuses/#LetsGetIt hashtagger who clogs everyones FB feed with my self motivation. No shame in my game! That right comes with sweat equity. I have too much to miss out on in life if I stay like this or worse. It took me a while to realize that this was something I had to do for myself and not just to 'land a man'. This isn't just a physical thing for me anymore- it's become a spiritual and emotional thing. I want to feel healthy in my skin, and wake up everyday feeling alive and fresh. If I want to dance around my house in my underwear like a fool, I want to be able to do it without getting winded...aaand look fucking hot in my underwear.
It is a Brand New Day, friends, and with it comes a fresh outlook. My life will just sit at an idle unless I put it in drive, and I plan on burning some serious rubber. I have other things in the pot too..new career moves, going back to school, etc. Big things are happening friends, this is just the beginning of something new. I've planned where I want to land, and I'm excited to get started on the journey that brings me there. I can't wait to start sharing that with you. Stay tuned...
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