Big Buddha Is Watching...
Ah, Karma.
It's a word that seems to be thrown around a lot, most often used loosely to describe common bad luck; "Oh man, a flat tire, I must have lousy karma.." No, you probably were just too dumb to check the tread on your tire- that's not karma, it's neglect. But I digress. Karma, by it's simplest definition, is the Universe's way of giving you back everything you put into it, which is to say can be good or bad. It's the Golden Rule on the largest scale imaginable. I, personally, have a deep rooted belief in this system, and try to be conscious of everything I do in life, knowing in the back of my mind that sooner or later, it would come back to me in some form. Being human, of course I've slipped up. I've been cruel, I've made huge mistakes, I've been selfish and self-centered. And I believe that I've paid dearly for all of this--you can see it for yourself in my early posts. I was a fuck up for a long time, and Karma gave me the bitch slap wake up call of a lifetime. I've made others miserable with my own selfishness, and my punishment fit the crime; I myself was held down for so long I was convinced I would drown in misery. Karma at work, ladies and gentlemen.
Those days are no longer.
I made a conscious effort to drag myself out of the mud, and once I did, I ran for my life. I made major changes, Clorox-ed the hell out of my soul, and promised myself and the Universe that I would be a better person all around. Everything I did from that point on I made sure it not only was a benefit to me, but to someone else as well, namely my kids. I wanted them to have better, so they were my motivation to get through school. I've lived every day trying to be less bitter, less angry and more accepting of my past, and look at life with a more optimistic view- yeah, I realize sometimes things are gonna suck, but I know it will pass. I'm working hard on forgiving those who have seriously burned me, including The Ex. It's a slow process, but I'm moving forward, and I have the will to do it. Carrying the hurt around with me is poison. I'm also learning to forgive myself for mistakes that I've made, realizing I can't take them back, but I can learn from them. All of these things are shaping me into a better mother for my kids, which is all I ever wanted to be in the first place.
These changes have also brought me a trunk full of good fortune, and sometimes I'm so overwhelmed my the 180 degree flip my life has taken that I have to sit down and breathe. Everything I've been hoping for is falling into place so effortlessly, like it was meant to be there all along. I finished college, (at the top of my class I might add) the first in my family to do that EVER. Less than a week later I'm working in the field, and I barely had to lift a finger to get it. And quite possibly the best news of all, as of the end of this month I will FINALLY be back on my own two feet in my OWN residence, in the apartment I desperately wanted, and my baby boy wants to come back home to Mom beginning this Summer. Life, as they say, is GOOD.
The moral of my late night rambling? Practice good Karma. Put out good vibes and you'll get the same in return. Anything less is just a waste, and Buddha don't like ugly.
It's a word that seems to be thrown around a lot, most often used loosely to describe common bad luck; "Oh man, a flat tire, I must have lousy karma.." No, you probably were just too dumb to check the tread on your tire- that's not karma, it's neglect. But I digress. Karma, by it's simplest definition, is the Universe's way of giving you back everything you put into it, which is to say can be good or bad. It's the Golden Rule on the largest scale imaginable. I, personally, have a deep rooted belief in this system, and try to be conscious of everything I do in life, knowing in the back of my mind that sooner or later, it would come back to me in some form. Being human, of course I've slipped up. I've been cruel, I've made huge mistakes, I've been selfish and self-centered. And I believe that I've paid dearly for all of this--you can see it for yourself in my early posts. I was a fuck up for a long time, and Karma gave me the bitch slap wake up call of a lifetime. I've made others miserable with my own selfishness, and my punishment fit the crime; I myself was held down for so long I was convinced I would drown in misery. Karma at work, ladies and gentlemen.
Those days are no longer.
I made a conscious effort to drag myself out of the mud, and once I did, I ran for my life. I made major changes, Clorox-ed the hell out of my soul, and promised myself and the Universe that I would be a better person all around. Everything I did from that point on I made sure it not only was a benefit to me, but to someone else as well, namely my kids. I wanted them to have better, so they were my motivation to get through school. I've lived every day trying to be less bitter, less angry and more accepting of my past, and look at life with a more optimistic view- yeah, I realize sometimes things are gonna suck, but I know it will pass. I'm working hard on forgiving those who have seriously burned me, including The Ex. It's a slow process, but I'm moving forward, and I have the will to do it. Carrying the hurt around with me is poison. I'm also learning to forgive myself for mistakes that I've made, realizing I can't take them back, but I can learn from them. All of these things are shaping me into a better mother for my kids, which is all I ever wanted to be in the first place.
These changes have also brought me a trunk full of good fortune, and sometimes I'm so overwhelmed my the 180 degree flip my life has taken that I have to sit down and breathe. Everything I've been hoping for is falling into place so effortlessly, like it was meant to be there all along. I finished college, (at the top of my class I might add) the first in my family to do that EVER. Less than a week later I'm working in the field, and I barely had to lift a finger to get it. And quite possibly the best news of all, as of the end of this month I will FINALLY be back on my own two feet in my OWN residence, in the apartment I desperately wanted, and my baby boy wants to come back home to Mom beginning this Summer. Life, as they say, is GOOD.
The moral of my late night rambling? Practice good Karma. Put out good vibes and you'll get the same in return. Anything less is just a waste, and Buddha don't like ugly.
Give Love, Get Love.
yay! That's amazing babe! You worked hard for it and the universe has answered your prayers. No did! You let the bad go and therefore let the good in. I'm so happy for you feeshfeesh! Love you tons!