Fortress of Solitude
I've been in a weird space lately. Going through some changes. Whether these are good or bad changes depends who you ask. I've kind of blossomed in the dating pool recently- before you jump for joy on my behalf, let me finish. I've met a few people. Gone on a few dates. Pulled out one or two old frocks from my dating closet and reconnected. I know, YAY ME, right? Heh...gird your loins. I'm less than excited about any of them and totally cool being alone. WHAT?! It's a pearl clutcher, I know. I didn't set out to be apathetic about dating, it just sorta happened. Six months ago, I would have sold my soul for this kind of attention, and would have already all but welded myself to one of them. Now it takes maximum effort on their part just to get me to go out with them more than once. I feel kind of bad about it, and don't want to come off like I'm not interested, because I am, genuinely. I think. I'm just in a space where I could take or leave them....