Authenticity Right In Your Face
I hate that expression 'live your truth'. It sounds so corny and disingenuous. But, alas, here I am, attempting to do just that. HASHTAG #LIVEYOURTRUTH HASHTAG #YAAASQUEEN I reposted something on my social earlier today. It was an old Buzzfeed listicle about being single for too long that I originally shared 6 years ago. I captioned it #foreveralone because, well.. When confronted about it, I was caught off guard and immediately went on the offensive. My feelings were making someone else uncomfortable, and in my mind, that's the equivalent of taking up too much space. Immediately I dropped into my trusty Fixer mode, and diffused it with humor: 'Of course I don't actually mean it, HA HA HA.'. 'It's a joooke '. It probably comes as no surprise that it wasn't really a joke, and, being someone that chooses her words carefully, it's a safe bet that I didn't say it for nothing. My knee jerk reaction was to erase the pitied reaction by pret...