Drop Out
I obviously haven't been here for a while- my reasons why vary from day to day, but mostly it's just because I haven't felt like it. It's no secret that the majority of this blog is depressing; taking my current situation into consideration, I don't know that I want to add another 'I hate my life' post to the pile, but alas, here I am. I am a glutton for catharsis, and I blame YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE for planting the seed to do this. Again. Whatever, let's roll. Life has been a rollercoaster for the last year. Let's recap: 'Arthur' is gone from the picture and Good Riddance. He lasted less than a month before I told him to kick rocks, or eat dirt, or whatever the saying is, parole be damned. He became the kind of person I despised, and I haven't seen or talked to him since. He was a glaring reminder of my intolerance for bullshit, and there is no love lost on my end, hashtag BYEFELICIA. My cold, dead heart has risen again. Tooda...