
Showing posts from December, 2018

Rear View: A 2018 Summary

Ah, the end of another year is upon us once again, and in true Fontana fashion, it ends on a sour note. I'd say things have come full circle, but in reality, it's been a pretty fuckin' jagged line. Since my blogging habits are so irregular, let's start with what's new. I landed an office manager job in a new company.  The pay leaves much to be desired, but I'm alone all day, it's not busy, my boss makes for amazing eye candy, and he seems to be a decent guy so far who fully sanctions naps on the job. #WINNING I'm still alive and somehow making ends touch. Barely. I have yet to move into a refrigerator box. I turned 40 a week ago. A small handful of people managed to show up for me, so it will be easy to trim the fat now that it's purging season.  It's nice to know who my friends actually are. My daughter turned 21 and still hasn't done anything with her life. She moved her boyfriend in, and they got a dog.  I like both of them more...