When The Going Gets Tough...

Adrenaline is a funny thing. My first couple of workouts had me feeling like Superman and SheRa had a baby and it was me. Then I got sick, and all that Power Juice trickled out of me everytime I sneezed. The workouts got harder; my muscles felt like they were gonna cave in after 5 slow minutes on the elliptical, and my asthma-riddled lungs screamed for a medic. Sometimes I felt like my heart was gonna explode like that overcooked turkey on that Christmas Vacation movie. Everytime, I wanted to stop, grab my bag, and head back to my truck, even tho I had only been at the gym for 20 minutes. Instead, I plopped myself on a locker room bench, caught my breath, and remembered why I was there. Failure isn't an option. And if I let myself walk out of those doors having done nothing to fix what I've done with myself, then I've officially failed. I was so hyped up on "reconstructing" myself that I forgot you have to lay a fountation before ...