Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. -Matthew 5:8 I am not a Bible Beater. Although I am a baptized Catholic, I wasn't brought up with any real formal religion unless you count a few years of Sunday School. I admitedly know nothing about the contents of the Good Book other than the basics and a few select verses, including this one. I stumbled upon this a few years back, and it resonated with me more than anything else I had read up until that point. My take on the Bible is that it's subject to reader interperetation, so I took this message and ran with it the way that I saw it. I vowed to be "pure in heart"; to be kind, loving, pure in my intentions and have no hate in my heart. I reaffirmed that tho I am not without sin, I have always been a good person, and for that, G...